Christian social action and technology.

This depends on the past and the future depends on it. The XXI century is characterized by the dam, which in the past lasted thousands of years to occur, this has happened a couple of years and the future still seems to run faster. The Christian Social Action of the future must be done today should have happened yesterday. Christianity has lost much time, apparently asleep, face the challenges and opportunities of the modern world. Man is essentially a social being, but has become a cold machine, cynical, manipulative. On the contrary, we see a wave of mysticism and spirituality, as evidence of the need to feel more love, faith and hope. The basis of all Christian action must be love. At all times, places and situations that love should be present as a characteristic of Christians (Jo13. 35). The world has always needed, and I have no need of love expressed in practical actions and deep (Rm12.9 -18). The Christian Church must be attentive to opportun...