The Drug Problem and its Solution.

The Drug Problem and its solution. We have watched daily by the media to increase the consumption of drugs worldwide. It is common to hear say that such a place became a "Cracolândia" due to the invasion of space for "smoking" and "sell" the rock of crack. And as people have reached the most varied walks of life! They are broken families, broken homes, careers that were inevitably interrupted, stagnant lives. Some have dubbed it "rock-the-devil." Governments invest millions in public awareness of the problem, companies engage in advertising, but it seems nothing can stop this runaway train. Everyone knows the harmful effects on the body and that dependence will lead the addict to death in a short time. A disturbing question arises: What makes people opt for the drugs, knowing that self-destruct? Because this waiver to life? The liberalism of today, many mistakenly choose the "everything is a matter of personal freedom of choice....