
Showing posts from June, 2012

The Age of Disposable Relationships

Someone asked a gentleman who had completed sixty-five years of marriage: - What is the secret of it? - And the lord said: - My son, we are born into a time when things broke, they taught us to fix them. In our day, is not only the marriage has become disposable. Many different things in these modern times have become expendable.  Unconsciously, the man of today, so dispose of plates and glasses, shoes and scarves, expanded these routine acts in interpersonal relationships. Compressed by the urgent demand of global life, humans forgot that values ​​do not toss out that friends are not plastic and the marriage is not paper.  We need to understand that it is not worth repairing a shoe, according to the ease of getting another brand new without paying much for him, love, esteem, respect and consideration are values ​​that should not be discarded. Worth a lot, yes, sorry, caring relationships, maintaining friendships and valuing family ties.  We understand that f...


One strategy is that the Evil One, when he is unable to win in an open confrontation, change tactics and try to be our friend. This is old and has become a popular proverb that teaches: If you can not beat the enemy, allied to it. History records that when the Emperor Constantine realized that Christians had killed more people converted to Christ, and then faked his own conversion. With that, he held the progress of evangelization of the Church, after killing his spiritual life, making it a state church. It is said that when he tried to attract a bug in the remaining faithful did not yield to the religious policy of the empire, he said, showing the treasures of the church: "We can not say with John, we have no gold or silver." But also that the true believer replied, "Yes, but we can not say on behalf of Jesus Christ, the Son of God:" Arise and walk. Similarly, it is not uncommon to hear pastors today, when faced with the oppressed of the devil, rather than pra...