
Showing posts from January, 2011

Everything is a matter of trust.

"Would you buy a used car from this man?   In the United States is very common to that question, referring to the reliability of an acquaintance or even someone who has never seen before. Trusting someone who sometimes is pure intuition, do not always have concrete evidence or sufficient knowledge of the history of someone with whom we are about to close a deal, but we take into account what he gives us in contact. "Lies have short legs" is a popular saying in Brazil. A dishonest person is through the small details, if we realize. The obvious is only obvious to the eye ready. Also, if someone is dishonest rather betray the trust of others and there is barely a second time with the same person. The effectiveness of the lie has short-term, while the best relationships and the best deals are those that grow in the long term. This principle is the basic interpersonal communication and makes communication between businesses, between ...


  "You are the salt of the earth: but if the salt turns out to be bland, as it restores the flavor?" Mt 5:13 b At the time of Jesus, just as now, salt was widely used to preserve food. Jesus commanded us to preach the Gospel to all creatures, but also made it clear that we should be the "salt of the earth, and salt has anti-degenerative diseases. The comparison made between the salt and the church requires it to be the element responsible for having the "rot" the environment where it operates, (society / community).If you lose this property, to whom will this task? The Christian church is in the world to be "salt" and not to be a dictator rules. Jesus' command was to be "the salt of the earth, the element that holds the advancement of the degeneration of society. He has not incited to rebel against what directly affects us, thus taking the law into their own hands and only in our favor. Salt, in addition, anti-dege...

BOOK - A Product of High Technology

In its current form, the Book, has been used for over 500 years, and represents a fantastic breakthrough in technology. It has no wires, electric circuits, no batteries or batteries, need not be connected to anything, need not be connected to anything, and it's so easy to use that any child can operate it. Just open it! Each page of the paper should be scanned optically, and the information transferred directly to the user's CPU, the brain itself, without any special formatting. Just remember that the bigger and more complex information to be absorbed, the greater will be the processing capability of the user. Every book is formed by a sequence of numbered pages (currently recycle), which can store thousands and even millions of information. The pages are bound together by a system called the spine (or Dorcas), who keeps them permanently in the correct sequence and can be used both sides (pages) of the paper. This allows double the amount of input data and reduce...