BOOK - A Product of High Technology

In its current form, the Book, has been used for over 500 years, and represents a fantastic breakthrough in technology. It has no wires, electric circuits, no batteries or batteries, need not be connected to anything, need not be connected to anything, and it's so easy to use that any child can operate it.Just open it!Each page of the paper should be scanned optically, and the information transferred directly to the user's CPU, the brain itself, without any special formatting. Just remember that the bigger and more complex information to be absorbed, the greater will be the processing capability of the user.
Every book is formed by a sequence of numbered pages (currently recycle), which can store thousands and even millions of information. The pages are bound together by a system called the spine (or Dorcas), who keeps them permanently in the correct sequence and can be used both sides (pages) of the paper. This allows double the amount of input data and reduce costs by half.To make books with more information simply use more leaves, but become thicker and more difficult to be transported, attracted criticism from fans of portability.
Unbeatable advantage of the device is that when using a simple finger movement allows instant access to the next page. And the reading of Scripture can be resumed at any time by simply opening it. Never has an error password and need not be restarted and it just gets damaged or even useless when hit by liquids.It has an Index that allows access to any page instantly and move forward or backward in the quest with ease, say that is softer than one already installed.
An optional accessory, the bookmark, it also allows you to access the book exactly where you left it last in use, even if it is closed. The compatibility of bookmarks is complete allowing work on any model or type of paper without the need for configuration. All Book supports simultaneous use of several markers of pages, if you want to keep multiple pieces selected at the same time.
You can also customize the contents of Scripture, through notes in the margins. For this, you must use a device called the Pencils.Elegant, durable and cheap book has been appointed as an instrument of entertainment and culture of the future, as was the entire Western past. There are millions of titles annually and forms that developers (publishers) will put the public using this platform.
And a super important feature: the book does not lock, no conks, no crashes or gets overloaded and can be used in car, bus, train, airplane, bathroom, and even in bed.Good Read!


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