
Showing posts from October, 2012

U.S. Elections and the Evangelicals.

For the first time in its history, the United States no longer have a Protestant majority, according to a recent study. This was a major American media headlines this week. Since the Pilgrims arrived, America was a nation predominantly Protestant. But the century brought drastic changes. The percentage of adults in the U.S. Protestants reached 48 percent in its steady decline since decades ago. Meanwhile, the number of Americans who have no religion is growing, especially among brancos.Essa is the first time that the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life reported with certainty that the number of Protestants fell down 50 percent. This decrease was already long overdue and comes at a time when the U.S. Supreme Court has no judge Protestant, and when the Republican Party, whose leaders are historically Protestant, has a candidate for president and vice president who are not Protestants . Among the reasons for the change is that large traditional Protestant denominations, embra...

Union European,  of The wars Nobel Peace

The Nobel Peace Prize awards a Europe that is promoting a brutal offensive against workers' rights, making cuts in basic rights such as education and health. Government policies of member countries, all formulated and imposed from Brussels, the EU's headquarters, generate the growth of poverty and social inequality, as well as the bottleneck and the loss of sovereignty of weaker countries, on behalf of the interests of creditor banks and hegemonic European powers - Germany and France. The European Union is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize is the same as chasing immigrants and militarizing increasingly supports the reactionary regimes in the Middle East and gives a strong hand to the Zionist Israeli policy of massacres of the Palestinian people. The European Union is complicit in the "war on terror", so it supported the aggressions against Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, silent on the attacks with unmanned drones on the border between Pakistan and Afghan...

Union of Atheism against a  Christianity disunited.

Christianity has always dealt with internal conflicts. Since the Council of Jerusalem, by zeal and love for the Gospel, had to resolve their disagreements. It is true that conflicts were not always so peaceful like that. There was sometimes real battle. It is also true that the reasons were not always the most righteous or holy, but, anyway, Christianity stood firm, though divided. Since the Great Schism, and even more so after the Reformation, Christianity split once. Romans on one side, Protestants and Orthodox another in yet another. Besides these major divisions, the hundreds or thousands of internal divisions, especially within the Protestant side, made the difficult dialogue and reconciliation, obviously, impossible. However, such a split, though serious, never exceeded the strict limits of matters of faith. It was certainly caused by doctrinal disagreements (without discarding, of course, political influence and personal interests). Anyway, all revolving around Scripture and...