Union European,  of The wars Nobel Peace

The Nobel Peace Prize awards a Europe that is promoting a brutal offensive against workers' rights, making cuts in basic rights such as education and health. Government policies of member countries, all formulated and imposed from Brussels, the EU's headquarters, generate the growth of poverty and social inequality, as well as the bottleneck and the loss of sovereignty of weaker countries, on behalf of the interests of creditor banks and hegemonic European powers - Germany and France.
The European Union is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize is the same as chasing immigrants and militarizing increasingly supports the reactionary regimes in the Middle East and gives a strong hand to the Zionist Israeli policy of massacres of the Palestinian people.
The European Union is complicit in the "war on terror", so it supported the aggressions against Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, silent on the attacks with unmanned drones on the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan and advocates military intervention in Syria, besides acting in conjunction with the U.S. policy of sanctions against Iran and Korea Popular. Likewise, the European Union is complicit blockade against Cuba and is involved in the blink provocations Bolivarian Venezuela.
On the same day the award was announced, the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation (CPPC), an entity that integrates the World Peace Council, a member of the Executive Committee and European regional coordinator, issued a statement placing itself on the decision, considering it "at least questionable."
The memo notes that the pacifists Portuguese is necessary to recall "that over the last decades the European Union has played a militarization process, accelerated since 1999, after having played a crucial role in the violent breakup of Yugoslavia and later the brutal military aggression to this country, culminating in the process of secession from Serbia's Kosovo province in absentia of international law. "
The document of the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation also noted that since the NATO Summit held in Washington in 1999, the European Union received the assignment to establish itself as the European pillar of the military-political bloc led by the USA. According to the SCLC, "this then this paper has been affirmed and strengthened, notably since 2002 and with the approval of the Lisbon Treaty."
In a clear rebuttal of character "pacifist" of the EU, the SCLC indicates that this block over the past decades, "has starred and supported all military aggression and NATO or its members against the sovereignty and independence of individual states, as Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and now in Syria, as well as violent regimes of sanctions that hit hard the people of various countries. "
The Portuguese entity considers that the positions and actions by the EU protagonized contradict "the principles enshrined in the UN Charter - respect of state sovereignty and non-interference in their internal affairs, on the contrary, promoting a growing and unceasing militarization of relations international, being compliant with human rights violations, as occurred, for example, with the so-called 'CIA flights' - their criminal kidnappings and torture. "
The note also states that the SCLC "the European Union is far from meeting the so-called 'mission of spreading peace, democracy, human rights elsewhere in the world' that you want to assign some, quite the contrary."
The coordinator of the World Peace Council in Europe highlights that peace in the continent "was a victory of the people after the Second World War, which was decisive for the aspiration of peace for millions of citizens, many of whom activists strong and broad peace movement and said that developed after 1945. "
It ends showing the paradox of award of the Nobel Peace Prize to the European Union: "The reality of the action and of the purposes set out by the European Union are very distant from the values ​​and principles proclaimed and established the historic Helsinki Conference, held in 1975, as: respect for sovereignty, non-recourse to the threat or use of force, respect for the territorial integrity of states, peaceful resolution of conflicts, non-interference in internal affairs of States, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, the right to self-determination of peoples, and cooperation among states - values ​​and principles enshrined in the UN Charter. "


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