The Bible, Capitalism and  Prosperity Protestant

With the consolidation of Christian Reform, around the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the main Protestant countries were based on biblical ethics to develop a social system against the bondage of feudalism practiced during the Middle Ages. Thus was born, in a cradle Protestant, which came to be called the capitalist system. The initial goal was to create business rules and productive than slavery and fought recompensassem people as fairly and as transparently as possible. The result was a strong economic and industrial growth in countries that adopted the "new system" of a fair and correct. Note: the term capitalism is new, but the system itself (its essence) was already used by the people of Israel from the time of the prophet Moses.
The conversion products, services, manpower, time, etc. properties. In monetary values ​​(money, "capital"), was restored by Protestants to achieve accuracy and speed in trade, labor and production soon after Middle Ages. At that time, around the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, it was found that was more efficient and safer to carry cash in your pocket, than sacks of flour, gold, baskets, etc. cows., When making any business transaction. Moreover, without the flexibility of money, it was very difficult to exchange favors or products without anyone leave unsatisfied with the inaccuracy of the exchange process. With this mentality, inspired by the rigor of justice and the Old Testament, which Protestants have developed modern capitalism. The idea was to enable the right relationship - as accurately and as quickly as possible - of all social classes. However, being the work of Protestant peoples, the capitalist system was severely attacked by the enemies of the Protestant Reformation. For a long time, anti-Christian (supporters of Marxist Communism) and the socialists in general, did all kinds of criticism for trying to shock the system and the Protestant people. Today, some liberals are still trying to deceive the people by associating the word capitalism with greed, exploitation, robbery etc ... The bad faith of some of these people has no limit. Unfortunately, due to lack of information as these naive citizens end up believing and joining these groups. Its leaders, however, are dressed in lambs, but at bottom, are liars and greedy wolves who just want to manipulate the populace to achieve power.
From the nineteenth century, many countries who did not practice ethics and Protestant religion, ie, did not practice moral values ​​and social origin genuinely Christian, also joined the massive use of capital (money) in economic relations in general. These people, in more or less pagan culture, such as Brazil, practice what I call Capitalism Pagão.Este yes, it's a savage capitalism. That's because people who practice it are not very civilized and not learned to respect his neighbor like a brother (one of the main teachings of the Protestant people).
Unlike the Protestant people, people more or less pagans use the power of money to exploit others and do them injustice. We can see this reality by making comparisons between the Protestant and pagan countries (countries deemed "secular", but many supporters of syncretism). If you compare interest rates, wages, income per capita and poverty, between the Protestant and pagan countries more or less, we can see easily that reality. In fact, capitalism itself does not produce good nor bad. Who produces the good or evil is the person who uses it. And in general, people are the result of religious education they receive. A religion wise, rigid and decent home really prophetic, peoples and governments produce fair and ethical. A religion sloppy, inconsistent and vulgar (tainted with paganism, for example), people and produce unstable governments and frivolous.
For Capitalism longer and become a pagan instrument of justice, income distribution and to stimulate prosperity, it is necessary that the people practice the Christian principles and the Protestant ethic. Evangelical churches need to better understand this issue and concentrate a little more effort in clarifying this issue. The supernatural faith has its place, but the human and social values, reported in the Bible, are basic fundamentals to get an education realistic, progressive and successful in any society.
Regarding the religious aspect, in fact, the abstention of riches "mundane" (pagan, unjust) is a precondition for people to achieve a true conversion. However, once converted (once a subject of the Kingdom of God), all wealth is a divine blessing achieved and should be respected. It is true that some men of God (prophets handpicked) needed to live in poverty because of the peculiarity of the mission they had to fulfill. But in no time, God showed that he wanted his subjects live in poverty common. It is a grave mistake to think that God wants us to be in poverty or in poverty, be it socialist, or capitalist. If we can eliminate the pagan culture and religion, we will automatically happier and more prosperous.


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