Pagan Cultural Values ​​in the Digital Society  

The Christianization of Roman society, after the Edict of Milan in 313, made polytheistic religions stay restricted to small rural villages that were called "Pagus".
Since then Christians began to call all those pagans who still retained polytheism.
In its true sense, the term designates pagan polytheistic religions (religions who worship multiple gods and deities) and its cultural model.
The term also applies to the pagan lifestyle of the people who do not accept the existence of a single creator God of all things, whose paradigm may be the Greco-Roman society and, somehow, some societies that emerged after the Renaissance movement .
This "religion of the pagans" - in the words of historian Paul Orosio Hispanic (fifth century) - is characterized by conceiving gods according to the pattern, human needs and desires.
Gods subject to the same vicissitudes, weaknesses and passions of men and women.
Gods without theological coherence or moral standard and well-defined goal.
This cultural pattern, ie, the model of conduct and of life was a consequence of misinformation and irrational side of the overlap on the rational side of human beings.
(It was as if his body "animal" prevailed over the mind "educational", ie the flesh prevailed over the spirit.)
 So at that time was accepted the promiscuity, the immoralities, orgies, idolatries and violence very naturally. That was until, "justified" because the people did not know a decent education and social founded the Creator.
Today, however, some of our politicians have rediscovered paganism, but think they invented formulas evolved to drive a society.
The model pagan (secular, pluralistic, egalitarian, non-censorship, etc..) Is the format most rudimentary and archaic to lead a company.
This model does not set limits or require sacrifices ethical and moral citizens. In pagan system, everyone can and everything they please without worrying about consequences.
In general, paganism is connected to the absence of limits, lack of discipline and abdications absence of any preventive nature.
In paganism, it is common to the massive presence of attitudes merely pleasurable without any concern for future consequences. The effect of religion (the multiplicity of gods, spirits, deities and divinities several) is only the most obvious part of a behavior usually "pleasure" and engaged with the future. (A behavior too "festive" where the desires of the body is to control the mind and not the good sense).
In day-to-day paganism vai settling by replacing the rational for more practical and pleasurable, that is, people come to submit to only what they want and not what they should and should undergo.
The consequences over time failures are followed by failures accompanied by pain and misery. These consequences lead people to despair and to the emergence of numerous worship the "gods" as an attempt to supernatural solutions.
So paganism is not restricted to religious worship foolish.
Actually, it's all a social construct which should get away as much as possible!
(Note: Some international encyclopedias define paganism as the standard of religious and social behavior that has no prophetic origin, ie is not of Christian teachings, Jewish or Muslim).
Karl Marx, the founder of atheistic communism (taken as "scientific socialism") identified a strong link between poverty and pagan religious practice. He just did not know how to differentiate the pagan religious knowledge (knowledge from legends, myths and utopias human) of the prophetic religious knowledge (knowledge coming from God the Creator).
Today, it is already evident that Karl Marx's atheism is not a solution against paganism, whether religious, or social. The last decades have shown that atheism-forced (by imposition of government) also generates underdevelopment and poverty, (this was evident in Russia and Eastern Europe in the communist period).
 However, Christianity, more genuine, more results in enlightenment and prosperity away from the violence and poverty of the countries that adopt it.
We can prove this fact by comparing the rates of development of the countries seriously Christians with the indices of development of countries more or less pagan.
Therefore, we Christians need to reevaluate our cultural trends and our educational model, if we are to achieve Christianity prevails.
If we give a little more credence to biblical teachings, sensibly and without much mysticism, realize the true causes and possible solutions of the problems that plague our societies.


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