How to get out of this Crisis?
It is very common to hear nowadays speak of a crisis. Crisis of values, concepts, principles, ideologies, economics, politics, religion, culture. It seems that the world has entered a chaotic process, runaway and can no longer give a satisfactory explanation for the entanglement of general of life Principalmente the older people, who formed their heads and ideas in previous decades. They speak with more emphasis this crisis, say that today the world is broken up and walks like of disorderly manner, not quite sure, where to go. There is a malaise at the moment, this is undeniable. People live but do think it has not more incentive to do the same things they did before. Takes life instead of living, and to see a sudden disappear all the things that gave before meaning to their existence. People repeat the same every year experiences: New Year's carnival holiday, the Feast of Easter, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, holidays in July, Father's Day, Christmas and Ne...
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