
Showing posts from August, 2012

Pagan Cultural Values ​​in the Digital Society  

The Christianization of Roman society, after the Edict of Milan in 313, made polytheistic religions stay restricted to small rural villages that were called "Pagus". Since then Christians began to call all those pagans who still retained polytheism. In its true sense, the term designates pagan polytheistic religions (religions who worship multiple gods and deities) and its cultural model. The term also applies to the pagan lifestyle of the people who do not accept the existence of a single creator God of all things, whose paradigm may be the Greco-Roman society and, somehow, some societies that emerged after the Renaissance movement . This "religion of the pagans" - in the words of historian Paul Orosio Hispanic (fifth century) - is characterized by conceiving gods according to the pattern, human needs and desires. Gods subject to the same vicissitudes, weaknesses and passions of men and women. Gods without theological coherence or moral standard and well-defin...

The Bible, Capitalism and  Prosperity Protestant

With the consolidation of Christian Reform, around the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the main Protestant countries were based on biblical ethics to develop a social system against the bondage of feudalism practiced during the Middle Ages. Thus was born, in a cradle Protestant, which came to be called the capitalist system. The initial goal was to create business rules and productive than slavery and fought recompensassem people as fairly and as transparently as possible. The result was a strong economic and industrial growth in countries that adopted the "new system" of a fair and correct. Note: the term capitalism is new, but the system itself (its essence) was already used by the people of Israel from the time of the prophet Moses. The conversion products, services, manpower, time, etc. properties. In monetary values ​​(money, "capital"), was restored by Protestants to achieve accuracy and speed in trade, labor and production soon after Middle Ages. At th...