
Showing posts from 2012


The time not to, and because we are away. Then we will pass to the 4th year of the 2nd decade of the 1st century of the 3rd millennium. The favorite topic of the moment remains on the end of the world. Since coming to the new millennium and it does not change, the speculation about the end of the world will die from the possibility of frozen because of the gradual shift away from the Sun as Earth weather Dr. Kaku; passing by global warming with the possibility of being swallowed by the Sun because he is a star and can swell up to not wanting more, there is seen, the solar flares that constantly reach Earth thence crossed with Asteroids NASA said, was cataloged about 90% of the largest asteroids whose orbit can pass by the Earth. This mapping done by scientists suggests that there are about a thousand asteroids near Earth to the size of a mountain or larger, and can crush us at any time. Mercy. As if that were not enough, scientists have yet news of the turns with such AH5N1 influen...

Jesus is bigger than my beliefs.

Belief is a statement that describes the rational reality, the world around us described in words, the set of doctrines that we have adopted to organize reality and situate ourselves in it, ie, the way we see the world, life, and how we behave so that our existence has meaning: meaning and direction. There are philosophical beliefs, ideological, scientific and especially religious. The belief relates to what we believe: that man is the measure of all things, that capitalism is the best economic model, that the earth revolves around the sun, that Jesus Christ is God, for example. Religions are based on beliefs: Muslims believe that the definitive revelation of God was given to Muhammad; Jews believe in the Law of Moses; Buddhists believe that every human being can attain enlightenment and become a Buddha. Within each religious system there are also divisions for reasons of different beliefs. For example: Christians called Arminians (Jacobus Arminius), in general, beli...

U.S. Elections and the Evangelicals.

For the first time in its history, the United States no longer have a Protestant majority, according to a recent study. This was a major American media headlines this week. Since the Pilgrims arrived, America was a nation predominantly Protestant. But the century brought drastic changes. The percentage of adults in the U.S. Protestants reached 48 percent in its steady decline since decades ago. Meanwhile, the number of Americans who have no religion is growing, especially among brancos.Essa is the first time that the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life reported with certainty that the number of Protestants fell down 50 percent. This decrease was already long overdue and comes at a time when the U.S. Supreme Court has no judge Protestant, and when the Republican Party, whose leaders are historically Protestant, has a candidate for president and vice president who are not Protestants . Among the reasons for the change is that large traditional Protestant denominations, embra...

Union European,  of The wars Nobel Peace

The Nobel Peace Prize awards a Europe that is promoting a brutal offensive against workers' rights, making cuts in basic rights such as education and health. Government policies of member countries, all formulated and imposed from Brussels, the EU's headquarters, generate the growth of poverty and social inequality, as well as the bottleneck and the loss of sovereignty of weaker countries, on behalf of the interests of creditor banks and hegemonic European powers - Germany and France. The European Union is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize is the same as chasing immigrants and militarizing increasingly supports the reactionary regimes in the Middle East and gives a strong hand to the Zionist Israeli policy of massacres of the Palestinian people. The European Union is complicit in the "war on terror", so it supported the aggressions against Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, silent on the attacks with unmanned drones on the border between Pakistan and Afghan...

Union of Atheism against a  Christianity disunited.

Christianity has always dealt with internal conflicts. Since the Council of Jerusalem, by zeal and love for the Gospel, had to resolve their disagreements. It is true that conflicts were not always so peaceful like that. There was sometimes real battle. It is also true that the reasons were not always the most righteous or holy, but, anyway, Christianity stood firm, though divided. Since the Great Schism, and even more so after the Reformation, Christianity split once. Romans on one side, Protestants and Orthodox another in yet another. Besides these major divisions, the hundreds or thousands of internal divisions, especially within the Protestant side, made the difficult dialogue and reconciliation, obviously, impossible. However, such a split, though serious, never exceeded the strict limits of matters of faith. It was certainly caused by doctrinal disagreements (without discarding, of course, political influence and personal interests). Anyway, all revolving around Scripture and...

Why do the wicked prosper while the pure of heart are afflicted?

                                                              Psalm 73. This psalm is a bitter and hopeless search, recalls the kind of question that troubled Jeremiah and Job (Job 21.1-34; Jer. 12:1), and the Psalmist has a confession and a supreme discovery to share. Asaph, the man who in the days of King David was highlighted as leader of the Temple music seems to have been a man of some distinction in his day. Set in the days of King David, there were no problems of this nature, means misinterpret human life and human nature. The psalmist is an issue that afflicts: why do the wicked prosper, apparently without God's action? Why are afflicted with a pure heart? However, from a broader perspective and deeper life, faced with the emptiness and futility of the glamorous life of the wicked. The psalmist begins by recognizing...

Capitalism, Church of Faith and Neoliberalism.

The 1970s marked the beginning of Prosperity Theology in Latin America and Brasile. Some segments in the field Pentecostal movements and organizations were interdenominational dissemination vehicles set of doctrines about personal prosperity as a sign of divine blessing. Each segment movement, organization formulates its way to prosperity and emphases on religious doctrines related, targeted personal achievements or family, progress in health, financial and material prosperity. The Theology of Prosperity was well accepted in recent decades, due to new directions social, political and economic society in which it operates. Thus, the environment influenced the ideology of individuals, so new paradigms are taken as incontrovertible truth. The speech based on Prosperity Theology is an accommodation to the interests and values ​​of contemporary society, feeds the desire to use as a search for satisfaction and strengthens the liberal individualistic behavior and habits. And...

Pagan Cultural Values ​​in the Digital Society  

The Christianization of Roman society, after the Edict of Milan in 313, made polytheistic religions stay restricted to small rural villages that were called "Pagus". Since then Christians began to call all those pagans who still retained polytheism. In its true sense, the term designates pagan polytheistic religions (religions who worship multiple gods and deities) and its cultural model. The term also applies to the pagan lifestyle of the people who do not accept the existence of a single creator God of all things, whose paradigm may be the Greco-Roman society and, somehow, some societies that emerged after the Renaissance movement . This "religion of the pagans" - in the words of historian Paul Orosio Hispanic (fifth century) - is characterized by conceiving gods according to the pattern, human needs and desires. Gods subject to the same vicissitudes, weaknesses and passions of men and women. Gods without theological coherence or moral standard and well-defin...

The Bible, Capitalism and  Prosperity Protestant

With the consolidation of Christian Reform, around the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the main Protestant countries were based on biblical ethics to develop a social system against the bondage of feudalism practiced during the Middle Ages. Thus was born, in a cradle Protestant, which came to be called the capitalist system. The initial goal was to create business rules and productive than slavery and fought recompensassem people as fairly and as transparently as possible. The result was a strong economic and industrial growth in countries that adopted the "new system" of a fair and correct. Note: the term capitalism is new, but the system itself (its essence) was already used by the people of Israel from the time of the prophet Moses. The conversion products, services, manpower, time, etc. properties. In monetary values ​​(money, "capital"), was restored by Protestants to achieve accuracy and speed in trade, labor and production soon after Middle Ages. At th...

Education without punishment, is in fashion since the days of Eli

Discipline and punishment are part of the human and spiritual family .  Just as God disciplines his own spiritual children, he also wants parents here on earth to discipline their own children. Although the measures of God against the stubbornness, rebellion and disobedience of his people are extremely tough and hard, he limited the energetic actions of parents to use the stick in cases of necessity. In the New Testament, the Lord Jesus makes use of reprimands and punishments to deal with disobedience of some churches. One of the churches received the following rebuke of the Lord: "However, I have this against you: you tolerate Jezebel, the woman who calls herself a prophetess. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and eating food sacrificed to idols. I gave her space to repent of her immorality, but she is unwilling. Therefore, I do get sick and it will bring great suffering to those who commit adultery with her, unless they repent of her ways. Kill ...

Social Justice and Individual Justice in the Light of the Holy Bible

Not yet learned to socio-economic importance of taking seriouly the princeple of justice. A people only becomes really knows just when, clearly and objectively, the real meaning of the word justice.   Most people know only two situations: to benefit or be harmed. Unfortunately, we do not understand these extremes to discern and adopt intermediate situations. It is at the midpoint between benefit and harm, we find what is right for everyone. In general, fairness is not overwhelming nor favor, not despise or deify, do not underestimate nor overestimate.  Being fair is split correctly without knowing and without adding subtracting (without stealing or bribing). Being fair is not appropriate other people's belongings and give the correct value to every thing and every person.  Being fair is to establish clear rules without giving advantage to some and disadvantage others. Being fair is to find the balance that meets or sacrifice, equally, witho...

The Age of Disposable Relationships

Someone asked a gentleman who had completed sixty-five years of marriage: - What is the secret of it? - And the lord said: - My son, we are born into a time when things broke, they taught us to fix them. In our day, is not only the marriage has become disposable. Many different things in these modern times have become expendable.  Unconsciously, the man of today, so dispose of plates and glasses, shoes and scarves, expanded these routine acts in interpersonal relationships. Compressed by the urgent demand of global life, humans forgot that values ​​do not toss out that friends are not plastic and the marriage is not paper.  We need to understand that it is not worth repairing a shoe, according to the ease of getting another brand new without paying much for him, love, esteem, respect and consideration are values ​​that should not be discarded. Worth a lot, yes, sorry, caring relationships, maintaining friendships and valuing family ties.  We understand that f...


One strategy is that the Evil One, when he is unable to win in an open confrontation, change tactics and try to be our friend. This is old and has become a popular proverb that teaches: If you can not beat the enemy, allied to it. History records that when the Emperor Constantine realized that Christians had killed more people converted to Christ, and then faked his own conversion. With that, he held the progress of evangelization of the Church, after killing his spiritual life, making it a state church. It is said that when he tried to attract a bug in the remaining faithful did not yield to the religious policy of the empire, he said, showing the treasures of the church: "We can not say with John, we have no gold or silver." But also that the true believer replied, "Yes, but we can not say on behalf of Jesus Christ, the Son of God:" Arise and walk. Similarly, it is not uncommon to hear pastors today, when faced with the oppressed of the devil, rather than pra...


Today our western society languishing under the violence of abortion and euthanasia, the curse of homosexuality, poverty, materialism, the coercion of socialism, the field of education "public," the chaos of judicial activism, and the injustice of racism and sexualism taxes. These are all tyrannies a direct result of the abandonment of biblical Christianity. The western world has increasingly accepted the proposal that the first modern liberal politician, Jean Jacques Rousseau: the State emancipate you from the responsibility for all human non-coercive, such as family, church and business, if only you submit to coercion State. Modern man is willing to negotiate their responsibility to family, church and business, exchanging it for submission to a political order increasingly coercive and violent. We are returning to the classical pagan world, in which the coercive state is the unifying principle of all life. The cruelest political regimes, violent and murderous in human...